
常敏之教授 Min-Ji Charng, M.D., Ph.D.
現職: 臺北榮民總醫院內科部心臟科主治醫師 教職: 國立陽明大學內科學科教授
美國Baylor College of Medicine心臟學博士、臺灣大學醫學士
經 歷 :
臺北榮民總醫院內科部住院醫師 | |
臺北榮民總醫院內科部住院總醫師 | |
成人心臟內科 | |
心臟分子生物學 Cardiac Molecular Biology | |
介入性心臟學 Invasive Cardiology | |
中華民國內科專科醫師 | |
中華民國心臟專科醫師 | |
中華民國內科醫學會 | |
中華民國心臟學會 | |
中華民國血脂學會 | |
中華民國重症學會 | |
- Charng MJ, Kinnunnen P, Hawker J, Brand T, Schneider MD. FKBP-12 recognition is dispensable for signal generation by type I transforming growth factor-B receptors. J Biol Chem 1996;271:22941-4.
- Shou Weinnian, Aghdasi B, Armstrong DL, Guo Q, Bao S, Charng MJ, Mathews LM, Schneider MD, Hamilton SL, Matzuk MM. Cardiac defects and altered ryanodine receptor function in mice lacking FKBP12. Nature 1998;391:489-92.
- Charng MJ, Chang D, Kinnunnen P, Schneider MD. A novel protein distinguishes between quiescent and activated forms of the type TGFB receptor. J Biol Chem 1998;273:9365-8.
- Charng MJ, Frenkel PA, Lin Q, Yumada M, Schwartz Rj, Olson EN, Overbeek P, Schneider MD. A constitutive mutation of ALK5 disrupts cardiac looping and morphogenesis in mice. Dev Biol 1998;199:72-9.
- Abdellatif M, Packer SE, Michael LH, Zhang D, Charng MJ, Schneider MD. A ras-dependent pathway regulates RNA polymerase II phosphorylation in cardiac myocytes: Implications for cardiac hypertrophy. Mol Cell Biol 1998;18:6729-36.
- Chiou KR, Chou CY, Chan WL, Pan JP, Lin SJ, Charng MJ, Chen YH, Hsu NW, Wang SP, Ding YA, Chang MS. Results of coronary stenting after delayed angioplasty of the culprit vessel in patients with recent myocardial infarction. Cathet Cardiovasc Diagn 47:423-429, 1999.